Gefilte fiš (filled pike)

The recipe was told by Regina Seilisa, whose mother Valery Markovsky (25.08.1918. – 02.05.2007), while working in Kraslava residents Drizini family, learned to cook Jewish dishes. Kraslava

Wash and clean the pike, carefully remove the skin without cutting the belly. Separate meat from bones and grind it 2 to 3 times in a meat grinder. Add semolina, onions, pepper, a little butter and salt. Fill the skin with this mass. In a pot arrange onions and carrots cut in rings. Put the filled pike into the pot and pour cold water above. Cook until it's hot, add a little cold water. Do this three times. Add salt, pepper, according to your taste. Serve on green lettuce leaves and decorated with boiled carrots.


The recipe was told by Regina Seilisa, whose mother Valery Markovsky (25.08.1918. – 02.05.2007.), while working in Kraslava residents Drizini family, learned to cook Jewish dishes. Kraslava

Fry chicken meat a bit and put it into the pot to stew on slow heat. Wash the carrots, cut them in rings and fry a bit. Add carrots, sliced onions, salt, bay leaves and pepper to chicken meat. If there is little liquid while stewing, add warm water.


The recipe was told by Regina Seilisa, whose mother Valery Markovsky (25.08.1918. – 02.05.2007), while working in Kraslava residents Drizini family, learned to cook Jewish dishes. Kraslava

For dough:
Mix flour with sodium carbonate and baking powder. Mix butter, eggs and sugar in a bowl. Add flour and mix with a mixer until it becomes a steady mass. Add cream and vanilla extract.

For filling:
• 1 glass of finely chopped walnuts
• ½ glass sugar powder
• 2 teaspoons cinnamon

Oil the baking form with butter and straw some flour on it, pour half of the dough, straw with nuts. Then add the remainder of the dough and add the remaining filling part. Pour melted butter over the pie and bake at 180 ° C until the pie is ready.


Mix oil, salt and sugar in the bowl, add hot water and mix, then add cold water and mix it all again. Dissolve yeast in warm water. In a separate bowl whip eggs and add them to the dough, leaving a couple of spoons to brush the ready dish. Spread flour and mix the dough on board until it is tough. Put the dough back into the bowl, cover it with clean cloth or towel and place in a warm oven (it does not need to be hot) for 1 minute. Then remove it and leave for 1 hour in a warm place. You will get twice as much dough as before. Then put the dough on a board, divide it into 4 parts, and cut every part into 3-4 pieces. Roll each piece as a sausage and make braids from dough. Put the braids on a greased baking sheet and leave for about 45 minutes to swell. Brush with egg, add seeds and bake in average hot oven for about 30-40 minutes. Remove the ready hala from the oven, put it on a board, cover with a napkin or a towel and place something heavy on its top. After 10-15 minutes remove the cover and let the halas cool.

Teiglah. Kreplah, Aingemaht. Recipes of Jewish cuisine by Dr. rabbin Menahems Barkahan. 2012


The recipe was told by Boriss Magidas, Kraslava

• 1 herring
• 1 onion
• 1-2 apples
• 2 to 3 slices of white bread
• 50 g butter
• ½ teaspoon sugar
• ½ teaspoon vinegar
• 50 g milk

Clean the herring and leave only the fillets. Grind the fillets in a meat grinder. Finely cut the onion, sprinkle with sugar and pour vinegar above. Put white bread in the milk and grind it. Peel the apple skin, grind and add to the whole mass, add butter, minced pepper and mix again. Arrange forsmak in a salad bowl and decorate with cut green young onions.

Milk and fish soup

The recipe was told by Boriss Magidas, Kraslava

• 400 g fish fillets (pike, bass)
• 2-3 potatoes
• 1 onion
• 1 bunch of dill
• 300 ml milk
• 1 tablespoon flour
• 1 tablespoon butter
• salt

Cut potatoes and cook them in a small amount of boiling water. Add the sliced onion, salt and cook for 5-7 minutes. Add sliced fish fillets and add a little boiling water to cover the fish. Boil for 15 minutes. Sift the flour through a sieve and add it to milk, add butter and milk with flour to fish pot. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Add dill. Remove from the fire and leave for 3-4 minutes.


Put the eggs in a bowl, add salt and stir. Put semolina in a large bowl, with a teaspoon take a little bit of egg, put it on the top of semolina and level out with hands. Slowly add flour and eggs, making small dumplings. Farfelah dumplings should be round, slightly smaller than peas. Place the dumplings in thin layer on a sheet of paper and allow them to dry. Farfelah can also be dried in the oven on a baking plate, without oil, on the lowest heat. Well-dried farfelahs can be stored in a dry place for 2-3 months. They are used for broths and soups or as an additive for meat dishes.

Teiglah. Kreplah, Aingemaht. Recipes of Jewish cuisine by Dr. rabbin Menahems Barkahan. 2012
Sift the flour, mix with salt and sodium carbonate, add eggs, oil and mix a tough dough. Divide the dough into pieces and roll as a pencil thick sausage. Cut each sausage into 0.5 cm long slices and place them on a slightly oily baking plate. Bake on medium heat for 20 minutes until they become light brown. While baking shake the plate twice. Mix honey, sugar, ginger, nutmeg in a pot and cook for 15 minutes. Add the baked stripes of dough and cook for 5 minutes. Then add the nuts and cook constantly stirring for 10 minutes. Teiglah is ready when its drop does not flow on a wet surface. Place the mass on a wet board, let it cool a bit. Flatten the mass and cut into pieces. You can also form balls from the mass. If you do not have nuts, replace them with 2 glasses of baked dough cut into small pieces.

Teiglah. Kreplah, Aingemaht. Recipes of Jewish cuisine by Dr. rabbin Menahems Barkahan. 2012