Sauerkraut soup

The recipe was told by Leokadija Sosnovska, Kraslava district, Udrisi rural district, village Mazie Mulki

Put pork ribs into boiling water to cook. When the meat if half cooked, add sauerkraut and beans that have been soaked in water before, add salt according to your taste. Serve with potatoes boiled in their jackets.

Pearl barley porridge with fired meat

The recipe was told by Leokadija Sosnovska, Kraslava district, Udrisi rural district, village Mazie Mulki

For porridge
For sauce
Put pearl barley that have been soaked in water before into the boiling water. Cook on slow heat, add salt. When the porridge is ready, you can add some butter. Cut meat into small cubes and fry them in the pan. When the meat becomes golden brown, add sliced onions, add salt according to your taste. Serve porridge with meat and onion sauce - can be placed next to the pearled grains or on top.

Kiselis from oatmeal flakes

The recipe was told by Leokadija Sosnovska, Kraslava district, Udrisi rural district, village Mazie Mulki
Cover oat flakes with warm water and add some crusty rye bread. Put the mass in the hot place and leave 2 to 3 nights. Then squeeze the mass through the gauze and cook the liquid on low heat, stirring it continuously. You can add some salt. When the bubbles appear, pour kiselis into a container, it will cool and become thicker. Serve with cold milk.

Sweet dumplings with dried apples

The recipe was told by Leokadija Sosnovska, Kraslava district, Udrisi rural district, village Mazie Mulki

Put died apples into the boiling water, cook a bit, add sugar according to your taste. In a separate bowl mix and stir eggs with sugar, slowly add flour, mixing everything thoroughly. Put a spoon in water to form small dumplings and cook until the float to the surface.

Rye bread

The recipe was told by Gundega Grisane, Kraslava district, Skaista rural district

• rye flour
• wheat flour
• salt
• sugar
• cumin
• yeast
• water

Cover flour with boiled, but slightly cooled water and mix in a thick mass. Put the dough in a warm place for one and a half days. Then mix the dough, adding flour, sugar, cumin, salt and yeast. Put the dough into a mould, wait until the dough rises, then bake in a large country oven for an hour and a half. You can add nuts, raisins, dried plums and the like to bread.

Latgalian cookbook by Solvita Kovalenko. Madona, 2004


The recipe was told by Anna Mileika, Kraslava district, Dagda
Cut the pig's head, legs, stomach into small pieces and cook for about 1.5 hours until the meat starts to separate from bones. Add salt, pepper, onions, carrots. When meat is ready, remove it from the bones and cut into smaller pieces. Add the liquid, in which the meat cooked, to the cut meat, pour everything into a big bowl and put the dish into cold place to cool.

Bulbesniki un krapaniki

The recipe was told by Tekla Dzalbe, Kraslava district
Cook the potatoes in jackets, peel them and mash them until the potato mash starts to stretch. Put a little flour on the table, mix the potato mass on the flour. Roll the potato mass like a sausage and cut into slices and bake them in the oven. Serve with cream. The dish is called bulbesniki.  To make krapaniki, form small pies from potato mass, an egg can be added, if you wish. Fill the pies with stewed cabbage and onion. Bake in the oven, serve with cream.

Latgalian cookbook by Solvita Kovalenko. Madona, 2004


The recipe was told by Tekla Dzalbe, Kraslava district
While cooking milk, add an egg, salt and sugar according to your taste. Boil until it thickens.

Latgalian cookbook by Solvita Kovalenko. Madona, 2004

Auleja dumplings

The recipe was told by Tekla Dzalbe, Kraslava district
Make yeast dough from flour, yeast, salt and sugar and wait until it breeds. Roll the dough a sausage and cut into slices. Flatten the slices a little. Mix curd with cream, butter and egg. Fill dough slices with this mass. Brush the dumplings with egg and bake in the oven. When they are ready pour melted butter above and serve hot.

Latgalian cookbook by Solvita Kovalenko. Madona, 2004


The recipe was told by Tekla Dzalbe, Kraslava district

Dry and grind oat grains. The chaff is separated from flour with the sieve (it's called “iznÄ«koj”). Put the flour in a bowl and cover with sweet, cold water, so that you can create round dumplings.

Latgalian cookbook by Solvita Kovalenko. Madona, 2004

Kraslava delicacy

The recipe was told by Jegers, Kraslava, 1963

Fresh cucumber with honey was considered a special delicacy in Kraslava. Freshly cut cucumbers, were cut into halves and covered with fresh honey. People ate them and claimed that cucumber with honey was the best delicacy. Fresh cucumber with honey contributes to gastric activity and also creates a sense of cosiness. Cucumber with honey was called Kraslava delicacy, but Kraslava - the capital of cucumbers. Cucumbers have always grown very well in Kraslava climate, and unusually good harvests were collected. Every garden had some cucumber beds, and, according to local customs, every person, known or unknown, was once allowed to come to a cucumber bed without permission and collect some cucumbers. People of Kraslava often went through the streets carrying a bowl of honey, but their pockets were full of cucumbers.

Latvian Folk Dishes by Linda Dumpe. Riga: 2009

Turning milk into butter

The recipe was recorded in Daugavpils district, Asuna rural district, village Plupova, 1926. LNVM 2856, 104

Pour fresh milk into a bowl or jug, take out cream with a spoon. Collect the cream in the jug, when it becomes sour, produce butter from it. Butter is separated with a scallop (boika) or a spoon. When the butter is hardened, remove it from the bowl and wash with water. After washing squeeze the water out, add a lot of salt, mix it well. The ready made butter is placed in a wooden bowl with a cover and placed in the basement. Butter is usually made on Saturdays to have fresh butter in the evening and on Sunday. Butter is eaten with bread, potatoes and porridges. In the autumn, butter is prepared for the winter, when there is no milk. Strongly salted butter is placed in jars, covered with a white linen rag, salted water is poured above, a wooden cover is placed on the top or simple wooden board and stones on top of it as cover. Butter can be stored throughout the winter, because it is very salty. The jar with butter usually stands in the anteroom or pantry room.

Latvian Folk Dishes by Linda Dumpe. Riga: 2009


The recipe was recorded in Daugavpils district, Asuna rural district, 1926, LNVME 2856, 104

The dish is prepared from pigs or sheep intestines. Most often, the heart and lungs are taken and cut into pieces. Add potatoes, an egg, salt and onions. Make dumplings and fry in fat on a pan.

Latvian Folk Dishes by Linda Dumpe. Riga: 2009