Latgalian Belorusian cuisine is similar to other national cuisines. Its basic principle is simple - a substantial meal prepared from homemade food.

Favourite food - milk or meat soup žur (Polish - žurek), carrot soup – morkva, soup from turnip - grižanka, etc. The Belorusians widely use potatoes, which are prepared in many different ways. The popular food is kolduni - potato pancakes filled with mushroom or meat, served with sour cream, potato babka – fried potato puree, potato sausages. Another common product is pork, which was used for making different kinds of sausages, salted bacon, roasted meat and other dishes. Bigoss - stewed meat with cabbage – is one of the typical dishes in Belarusian cuisine. A food with this name, but prepared differently, was also popular in Polish cuisine. Kvass was the most popular beverage.

Thanks to responsiveness of Kraslava district cooks, the recipes of traditional food have been collected, thus representing Belorusian cuisine of Kraslava district and ensuring preservation of food recipes for future generations.