The traditional Russian cuisine was characterized by various but simple dishes. Different types of soup were popular, meat of different types was used: pork, cattle, sheep and game meat. Sour cream, cottage cheese and other dairy products were widely used as additives. Sweet dishes were oven-baked apples and other fried or dried fruit and berries. On festive days, for example, for Meteni (Maslenica) pancakes, for Easter Easter Pies - pashas - were fried.

The cuisine of Russian Old Believers is unique - it is mostly of plant origin, because fasting was very strict, and meat, fat, milk and eggs were forbidden. The traditional dishes include sour cabbage soup – šči, beet soup - botviņja, different porridges, peas, beans, mushrooms, ķīseļ, herb teas, etc. Initially Russian Old Believers had many and different restrictions on food: they had individual plates for themselves and for guests, used personal cutlery for each family member; certain foods were forbidden – horse, rabbit, beaver meat, fish without scales, and the like, were prohibited by the Old Testament. They tried not to buy anything in stores, ate only their own products. Nowadays the rules of food consumption have a relatively moderate importance; following them depends on each family's traditions and individual characteristics of people.

Thanks to responsiveness of Kraslava district cooks, the recipes of traditional food have been collected, thus representing Russian cuisine of Kraslava district and ensuring preservation of food recipes for future generations.